Easter and the Vernal Equinox are a time of new beginnings, of rebirth, regeneration and the upsurge of spring and the new cycle of the growing season… of the light, bright, active half f our year. Here is a gentle suggestion as to how we can all become involved in creating a new world truly fit for our children and grandchildren to inhabit.

(To work your way through this journey of deep love and understanding, you will have to suspend all judgement… this journey is not in criticism of all the peacekeeping work many armed forces undertake around the world… it is aimed at any human living on the planet who is currently engaged in nationally sponsored active violence. Nor does this journey involve forgiveness, for that also implies judgement and the taking of moral high ground on the part of the forgiver. No matter how difficult, try and stay with this journey to the end – I promise you that it will be worth it, both in how it might beneficially affect current hostilities, but even more so in how it will affect you yourself.

See a person standing in front of you… They are someone you know well and are close to – a brother, sister, friend. They are struggling with life’s ordinary challenges. Place your arm gently around their shoulders… Tell them that you trust them to do the right thing… and tenderly hold them in safety, understanding and love…

See a person, a man or woman, in front of you…

They are a soldier, and they are about to commit a violent act…

Reach out with genuine concern, sympathy and compassion, and gently bring them to a halt. Calm and sooth them… gently ask them for their weapons and quietly remove them…

Tell them you trust them to do the right thing… Tenderly place your arm(s) around them and hold them in safety, understanding and love…

Now move on to the next soldier… the next person… and the next…

See one of the people who directs the army in which your individual soldiers are operating…. or a person in government or big business who is dictating these aggressive actions…

They are sitting at a desk writing energetically… they are fired with energy and passion…

Step in front of them and place your hand on their arm to gain their attention. They look up, questioningly – look deep into their eyes and smile… allow loving energies to leave every part of you and surround this person with a cloud of loving light – any colour you choose… You may wish to speak aloud, or merely think your message telepathically – that this is NOT the way – to think again – to choose an alternative, non-aggressive route…

Gently take the pen, (with which they were signing orders to attack) and put it down on the desk in front of them…

Tell them that you trust them to do the right thing…

Wrap your arms around them and hold them tenderly in safety, understanding and love…

See all the weaponry and ammunition – watch it melt away… watch it reduce back down to its original components… see them being reabsorbed back into the natural world, or reforming to make beautiful sculptures, or helpful tools, or sheltering structures…

Now see all these people and items brought together in the theatre of war…

Completely surround them ALL with your endless, all-powerful stream of unconditional love…

Hold them ALL – the entire situation and scenario – gently and tenderly in your arms… bring them to your heart and love them – every one of them –  until the tension is released, everyone relaxes and smiles… and the whole situation dissolves and dissipates like so many dandelion seeds upon the wind… Keep loving the space where they were and filling it with healing and light for a few moments…

If you wish, you may choose to take this further by visualising these people stepping forward to help embrace and heal those already damaged by hostile actions… See EVERYONE engaged in positive actions and gentle understanding – there is no need for forgiveness here, simply care and love – overwhelming LOVE…

See the victims pair off with the former aggressors and meld into each other… they are but two sides of the same being, two aspects of the same life form, all joined as one…

For all these people are our brothers and sisters. They breath the air we breath… Their actions are our actions… Their emotions are our emotions… Their negativity and positivity is our negativity and positivity… We are all connected. All one. Not ‘theirs’ and ‘mine’ but ‘OURS’…

Let your care, your compassion, empathy, tenderness and understanding pour out of you and allow it to continue to do so even as you go about your daily tasks, stopping every so often to mindfully think, concentrate, and top it up.

Go in peace, with strong resolution and intention, gentleness, and great love…