My new Walking With The Goddess monthly digital workshops are going really well, but I am keen to get everyone – at least as absolutely as many as possible – involved in these activities.
The best way to convey exactly how I approach each month’s topics and in what way the energies of each divine archetype is harnessed, let alone how the audio recordings of the guided journeys come across to you, or the challenges and tasks might stimulate and inspire you… gasp! … is to let you actually take a look at the first month, which was February. I do not want you to pay me anything. Just click here for your download.
Please do come and and see for yourself . Try out the suggestions. See how working in this way makes you feel – and how beneficial and healing all round it can be.
I would also welcome any feedback and comments you may care to share. Give it a try. It is truly a good way to work, hands on, in beginning to heal some of the many problems and difficulties which face us in the very near future.
You have nothing to lose and possibly a very great deal to gain. And it is absolutely free… with my love.