Gain perspective by climbing higher.

After much consideration, I have decided that this next cycle of Earthwalking weekends will be the last. My energies are now being called to work in other ways.

If you would like to join us on this last cycle of adventure, there are a couple of places still available. The first gathering is being held on the 26th – 27th October at Cae Non on the Llyn Peninsular and I am still offering this first weekend as a ‘taster session’ – no one needs to decide if they wish to commit to the rest of the cycle until they have actually experienced it.

If anyone would like to know more about Earthwalking, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me for more details – more general information can be found on the Earthwalking website:

It is eleven years since I first guided participants along this path and has been as much an amazing journey for me as it seems to have been for everyone else. But as the saying goes, onwards and upwards… here is to making this final cycle an absolute blast!